Subsidiaries, Related Companies
and Investments in Other Companies

4 Subsidiaries, Related Companies and Investments in Other Companies

Metro S.A. has only one subsidiary, Empresa de Transporte Suburbano de Pasajeros S.A (Transub S.A.).

In a public deed issued January 30th, 1998, by and between Empresa de Ferrocarriles del Estado and Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro S.A., at the Santiago Offices of Notary Public Francisco Rosas Villarroel, Empresa de Transporte Suburbano de Pasajeros S.A. was duly incorporated. The subsidiary’s corporate information is as follows:

La Empresa de Transporte Suburbano de Pasajeros S.A., also hereinafter referred to as “Transub S.A.,” is an unlimited duration, stock corporation, domiciled in the City of Santiago.
the company’s subscribed and paid capital amounts to $30,000,000 (thirty million pesos), divided up into one series of thirty thousand, no-par value registered shares.
the company’s was founded in order to meet the urban transportation needs of passengers and earn a profit from its assets through complementary activities and services.
the following members sit on the company’s Board of Directors: Hernán Vega Molina, Ignacio Tapia Hortuvia and Roland Zamora Vega on behalf of Metro S.A.; and Darío Farren Spencer and Cecilia Araya Catalán, on behalf of EFE.

Given that Transub S.A. is not an active entity, its Board Members and General Manager do not receive compensation for any of the board meetings they must attend.

Board of Director and General Management Positions:
  • Chairman: Hernán Vega Molina.
  • Vice Chair: Darío Farren Spencer.
  • Interim General Manager: Augusto Lucero Alday.
Metro S.A. holds a 66.66% ownership share in its subsidiary.
Hernán Vega Molina is Metro S.A.’s Corporate Administration and Finance Manager; Ignacio Tapia Hortuvia is the Assistant Finance Manager; Roland Zamora Vega is the Corporate Business Planning and International Relations Manager; and Augusto Lucero Alday is Metro S.A.’s Senior Legal Advisor.
There have never been any commercial relations between the parent company and its subsidiary.
There haven’t been any acts or contracts entered into with the subsidiary.
the company’s investment in the subsidiary amounts to 0% of Metro S.A.’s assets (the subsidiary has a negative net worth and is therefore valued at $1 on Metro S.A.’s books).
Metro S.A. does not have any other subsidiaries or related companies.
There is a direct ownership relationship between Metro S.A. and Transub S.A., in which Metro S.A. is the direct owner, as illustrated below